Due to generous grants from our sponsors including the United Way, we are able to offer therapy on a sliding scale. We charge between $13 to $78 for a 50 minute session depending on your income and the number of people living on that income. Also, in extreme circumstances we may be able to negotiate some portion of the fees listed on the sliding scale. Please talk with your therapist if you have any questions about this. Our goal is that everyone contributes fairly and that nobody is turned away for therapy due to lack of finances.
Our sliding scale is listed below. Find your income before taxes on the left under either the annual, monthly or hourly (based on a 40hr week) columns, and follow that line over to the number of people dependent on that income.
Annual | Monthly | Hourly | 1 person | 2 people | 3-4 people | 5+ people |
$75,000+ | $6,250+ | $36.06+ | $78 | $78 | $76 | $71 |
$71,000+ | $5,917+ | $34.13+ | $78 | $76 | $71 | $66 |
$67,000+ | $5,583+ | $32.21+ | $76 | $71 | $66 | $61 |
$63,000+ | $5,250+ | $30.29+ | $71 | $66 | $61 | $56 |
$59,000+ | $4,917+ | $28.37+ | $66 | $61 | $56 | $51 |
$55,000+ | $4,583+ | $26.44+ | $61 | $56 | $51 | $46 |
$51,000+ | $4,250+ | $24.52+ | $56 | $51 | $46 | $41 |
$47,000+ | $3,917+ | $22.60+ | $51 | $46 | $41 | $37 |
$43,000+ | $3,583+ | $20.67+ | $46 | $41 | $37 | $33 |
$39,000+ | $3,250+ | $18.75+ | $41 | $37 | $33 | $29 |
$35,000+ | $2,917+ | $16.83+ | $37 | $33 | $29 | $25 |
$31,000+ | $2,583+ | $14.90+ | $33 | $29 | $25 | $21 |
$27,000+ | $2,250+ | $12.98+ | $29 | $25 | $21 | $17 |
$23,000+ | $1,917+ | $11.06+ | $25 | $21 | $17 | $13 |
$19,000+ | $1,583+ | $9.13+ | $21 | $17 | $13 | $13 |
$15,000+ | $1,250+ | $7.21+ | $17 | $13 | $13 | $13 |
under $15,000 | under $1,250 | under $7.21 | $13 | $13 | $13 | $13 |